Question: What Is A Class?
Answer: A class is a general term denoting classification and also has a new meaning in object- oriented methods. Within the OO context, a class is a specification of structure (instance variables), behavior (methods), and inheritance (parents, or recursive structure and behavior) for objects. As pointed out above, classes can also specify access permissions for clients and derived classes, visibility and member lookup resolution. This is a feature- based or intensional definition, emphasizing a class as a descriptor/constructor of objects (as opposed to a collection of objects, as with the more classical extensional view, which may begin the analysis process). Original Aristotlean classification defines a "class" as a generalization of objects: [Booch 91, p93] "a group, set, or kind marked by common attributes or a common attribute; a group division, distinction, or rating based on quality, degree of competence, or condition".
Question: What Is A Meta-Class?
Answer: Meta-Class is a class' class. If a class is an object, then that object must have a class (in classical OO anyway). Compilers provide an easy way to picture Meta-Classes. Classes must be implemented in some way; perhaps with dictionaries for methods, instances, and parents and methods to perform all the work of being a class. This can be declared in a class named "Meta-Class". The Meta-Class can also provide services to application programs, such as returning a set of all methods, instances or parents for review (or even modification). [Booch 91, p 119] provides another example in Smalltalk with timers. In Smalltalk, the situation is more complex
Question: What Is Inheritance?
Answer: Inheritance provides a natural classification for kinds of objects and allowsfor the commonality of objects to be explicitly taken advantage of in modeling and constructing object systems. Natural means we use concepts, classification, and generalization to understand and deal with the complexities of the real world. See the example below using computers. Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent base/superclass/ancestor/etc.) class of another. Inheritance provides programming by extension (as opposed to programming by reinvention [LaLonde 90]) and can be used as an is-a-kind-of (or is-a) relationship or for differential programming. Inheritance can also double for assignment
Question: What Is The Difference Between Object-Based And Object-Oriented?
Answer: Object-Based Programming usually refers to objects without inheritance [Cardelli 85] and hence without polymorphism, as in '83 Ada and Modula-2. These languages support abstract data types (Adts) and not classes, which provide inheritance and polymorphism. Ada95 and Modula-
3; however, support both inheritance and polymorphism and are object-oriented. [Cardelli 85 p481] state "that a language is object-oriented if and only if it satisfies the following requirements: - It supports objects that are data abstractions with an interface of named operations and a hidden local state. - Objects have an associated type. - Types may inherit attributes from supertypes. object-oriented = data abstractions + object types + type inheritance These definitions are also found in [Booch 91, Ch2 and Wegner 87]. [Coad 91] provides another model: Object-Oriented = Classes and Objects + Inheritance + Communication with messages
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